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Research & Projects
The Breast Cancer Institute of Edinburgh

at the Western General Hospital

Find out more about the research and projects supported by the BCI


Clinical Trial


A randomised control trial of breast-conserving surgery with or without irradiation in women aged 65 years or older with early breast cancer.

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Clinical Trial

SUPREMO Trial BIG 2.04

The role of postmastectomy radiotherapy in intermediate-risk breast cancer (BIG 2.04 MRC SUPREMO trial).

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Clinical Trial

BIG 3.07 DCIS Boost Trial

A randomized phase III study of radiation doses and fractionation schedules for Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) of the breast.

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Lab-based Research

Endocrine Therapy Research

Genomics of endocrine therapy resistance: tailoring treatment using personalised genomic analysis in ER-positive breast cancer.


Lab-based Research

DNA Sequencing

This project aims to better understand the mechanisms behind breast cancer recurrence. Targeted DNA sequencing and transcriptomic analysis will be used to study recurrent breast cancers.

Coming Soon
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Lab-based Research

Genomic Response Assay

Study to develop an approach for genomic in vitro analysis of fresh tumour samples to assess drug response and inform treatment choice.

Coming Soon
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Lab-based Research

Radiotherapy Research

Analysing and evaluating the combination effects of Carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) inhibition in conjunction with radiotherapy.

Image by Terry Vlisidis

Lab-based Research

Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Comprehensive profiling of clonal dynamics in longitudinal TNBC samples from early disease to metastatic setting.

Coming Soon
Female and Male Scientists Working on their Computers In Big Modern Laboratory. Various Sh

Lab-based Research

Radiotherapy Research

Validation of a predictive gene expression signature for radiotherapy in breast cancer and study of the underlying mechanisms of resistance for potential therapeutic intent.

Lab Experiment

Lab-based Research

Radiotherapy Research

Translational pre-clinical study to investigate novel radio-sensitivity predictive biomarkers in breast cancer.

Fluorescent Imaging immunofluorescence of cancer cells growing in 2D with nuclei in blue,

Lab-based Research

DCIS Research

Predicting local recurrence in patients treated for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

Coming Soon
Breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)_  Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for estrogen r

Lab-based Research

Lobular Breast Cancer

This project will study lobular breast cancers treated with endocrine therapy to investigate how the effects of interleukin-6 change during treatment. The aim is to help identify potential new treatment options for lobular breast cancer.

Coming Soon
Breast cancer_ Immunohistochemistry (IHC) of an infiltrating (invasive) lobular carcinoma

Lab-based Research

Lymph Node Positive Disease

Study to explore the mechanisms underlying differential response to treatment in primary tumours versus nodal metastasis. With the aim of improving prediction of response to treatment.

Coming Soon
Histological section of a lymph node showing the cortex with many follicles and a deep par

Lab-based Research

Radiotype Dx Study

Molecular signatures of radiosensitivity and ipsilateral breast tumour recurrence in breast cancer.

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Clinical Study

Microwave Radiometry

Pilot study, to investigate the potential value of microwave radiometry for breast cancer diagnosis and the prediction of prognosis.

Coming Soon

Clinical Study

Cardiac Outcomes

Quantification of long term adverse cardiac outcomes in breast cancer survivors treated with and without anthracycline chemotherapy.

Coming Soon
Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Clinical Study


Edinburgh Health Economics Info-BC project is looking to discover what matters most to patients when receiving treatment for secondary breast cancer.

Doctor and Patient

Data Study


A natural experiment using Scottish clinical data to estimate the real-world effectiveness of adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients

A young man is holding a magnifying glass in his hand, looking at statistic figures - a bu

Data Study

PREDICT Validation

Research study to independently validate the updated PREDICT breast cancer prognostic model using routine Scottish data

Coming Soon
Image by Choong Deng Xiang

Infrastructure Project

Renovation of EBU Clinic

The BCI supported the renovation of the Edinburgh Breast Unit and waiting room for the benefit of our patients.

Coming Soon
Minimalist Chairs

Infrastructure Project

Expansion of Ward 1

The BCI contributed to the redevelopment and expansion of ward 1 (chemotherapy unit) and clinical trials unit at the Western General Hospital

Coming Soon
Hospital Reception

Research Infrastructure

Clinical Research Team

This grant supports costs associated with clinical research infrastructure at the Edinburgh Breast Unit including a funding for a dedicated research nurse to support all research within the unit.

Coming Soon
Advanced Medical Science Laboratory_ Medical Scientist Working on Personal Computer with S

Research Infrastructure

Research Nurse

The BCI is funding a 2-year research nurse post within the Edinburgh Breast Unit to facilitate and support the research portfolio within the unit.

Coming Soon
two nurses share patient information by writing it on the patient file .jpg

Research Infrastructure

Nucleic Acid Robot

From a specific donation made by a BCI supporter and her group of dedicated fundraisers the BCI has purchased a robotic sample processor which automates the extraction of DNA and RNA from tissue samples and facilitates much of the on-going reserach at the Edinburgh Breast Unit.

Coming Soon
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Research Fellowship

PhD Studentship

The BCI is funding a 3-year PhD studentship at the University of Edinburgh to explore the genomics underlying the response to treatment in metastatic disease.

Coming Soon
Science Lab

Research Fellowship

Complex Digital Interventions

This project will embed an early-career researcher within the Edinburgh Breast Unit for 3 years to conduct an economic evaluation of Complex Digital Interventions in Breast Cancer Care.

Coming Soon
Word FELLOWSHIP composed of wooden dices. Black graduate hat and books in the background.

Community Project

5K Your Way

With the support of the BCI a local team at the Edinburgh Cancer Center have brought the 5K Your Way: Move Against Cancer Initiative to Edinburgh to inspire and empower people impacted by cancer to live an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

Running Shoes
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Copyright © BCI, part of NHS Lothian Charity, a registered Scottish Charity, no. SC007342

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Edinburgh, EH1 3EG

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